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2023 | SimNBA | Post-Draft and Free Agency Announcement


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Hey all,

Drafted Rookies and UDFAs have been migrated to the DB. You can now see your drafted players on your roster, attributes and all. All UDFAs have been added to Free Agency and can now have offers made on them.


How will Free Agency Be Ran?

Very similar to how we did it with SimNFL. There is one change, which will be detailed below. For those who aren't familiar, follow these guidelines:


Simply, there will be 10 rounds of off-season free agency, with syncs occurring every two days. For when the syncs will occur, please use the following timetable found here:


Is there anything different with SimNBA FA compared to SimNFL free agency?


Free Agents will now be weighing their Free Agency Bias when making a signing decision. This can alter the value of an offer that is placed onto the player depending on very specific circumstances. If the circumstances of an offer are favorable to the player, the offer will be weighed more heavily; if the circumstances of an offer are unfavorable, the offer will not be weighed as much.

What do you mean?

The value of a contract will fluctuate between 85% of value to 115% of value depending on their free agency bias if it is not "Average". Here are the below preferences that we are using when an offer is in consideration:

  • Loyal: The player will heavily consider an offer if it is from the previous team that owned their contract. Example: Joe Jones played for Seattle before becoming a free agent. If Seattle offers him a new contract, Joe will value that contract at 115% of the contract value (Contract Value * 1.15)
  • Drafted Team Discount: If the player was drafted by a team, and their drafted team offers them a contract, they will prefer that contract higher.
  • Hometown Hero: If the player is from the USA and the team offering them is from the same state as them, their contract will be valued higher.
  • Adversarial: If team offering the player is NOT the drafted team, and did not have the player on their roster last year (Previous Team), their contract will be valued higher than a team that previously owned the player last year or drafted them.
  • I'm the Starter: If a Free Agent is likely to start for the team offering them (Specifically meaning this FA is overall better than any of the team's current top 5 players), the Free Agent will highly consider their offer.
  • Market Driven: If the team offering is from any mega large city market (Los Angeles, New York City, Brooklyn, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Dallas, Oakland, Atlanta, San Francisco, Houston, or Washington DC), the player will highly consider the offer.
  • Money Motivated: If the offer is higher in value from the player's last contract, the player will highly consider the offer.
  • Highest bidder: If the offer is the highest bidding value, the player will highly consider the offer.
  • Championship Seeking: If the team offering had more total wins than losses, the player will highly consider the offer.

Any offers that doesn't match the player's Free Agency bias if it not average, will be valued at 85% of value. Any offer that does match a player's Free Agency bias will be valued at 115% of value. Any player with a Free Agency Bias of "Average" will consider all offers at 100% value.

Is this Permanent?

Yes. This is the first step in implementing player bias outside of recruit affinities in CFB.


When can I begin making offers?


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