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Tally Sports: The Savior of BYU Football: Dick Richards

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This monthly edition of College Football, brings us to Rosario, Argentina, where last year's number 1 QB recruit is currently serving his mission. We got a chance to connect with Dick Richards and ask him some questions about his time in Argentina and of course, football. 


Reporter: BYU Athletes are no longer required to complete a mission in order to enroll at BYU. What made you decide to follow through on a mission, knowing that you'd miss a year of football? 

Richards: For me and my family, this is considered a service to the Lord. Not only is it important for me to spread the word of God, but I also felt it was important for me to discover who I am as a person. Football will be there for me when I get back, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity I feel is important to me. 

Reporter: Being from a somewhat isolated state of Alaska, how does that compare or contrast to now living in Argentina? 

Richards: In Alaska, I was pretty notable around the state by my senior year of high school. Alaska does not get a lot of recruits who play Power 5 football and where I was going to college was a big talk around Alaska. In Argentina, no one follows American Football and no one has any clue that I am a big time recruit. It's nice to get away from the pressure that comes with being a 5 star recruit, but my goal is to become the best football player possible so I know that I have to improve my game, even in Argentina. 

Reporter: It's even been reported that former BYU QB Chris Rosales chose to go and train with you in Argentina. Is that true and how has it worked out? 

Richards: Yes, he has been here with me since the beginning. He is currently a Graduate Assistant for BYU and is still looking to continue playing football himself in any league possible. He has been a tremendous help with improving my game. He's done everything from running routes to being a pass rusher. He's been a big help in helping me get ready to compete at a high level next year. 

Reporter: How do you feel about BYU's season this year so far? 

Richards: From what I have heard, it's been tough. Our best ILB goes down Week 1 and is out 5 games, then once he gets healthy our QB Malachi Allen is hurt for two weeks. I know the team has to really be feeling down as of late. I hope they can get some wins and end the year strong. At the end of the day, I have to focus on improving my game so that I can help my team next year. 

Reporter: Have you gotten homesick or considered ending your mission early? 

Richards: At times, most definitely but I feel that I have a higher purpose here to serve and I know that these tribulations that my team is going through now will only be temporary. A quote that I really love from the Book of Mormon is Alma 14:13, and it says "our work is not finished". I wake up everyday knowing that my path here is not finished and that success here will bring success at BYU come next year. 

Reporter: What sights have you seen in Argentina? Have you enjoyed yourself here? 

Richards: I have. I have enjoyed getting to know the people who live in Rosario. I have made friends with a couple of people here. I have learned some Spanish, although I am still not very good at speaking. I would definitely come back if given the opportunity. It has been a lot of fun. As far as sights, I have been to the Christ the Redeemer of the Andes, I have been to Messi's childhood home which was really cool, my favorite thing really has been hanging out at the beach. It's paradise here when compared to the cold in Alaska. 


That's all we have for this edition of Tally College Sports. Make sure to pick up a copy of our magazine next month as we look to interview Heisman candidate Brandon Savage! 


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