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[2023] Week 0 POTW

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Week 0 OPOTW

RB Elijah Wendelken, ARK, 21 carries for 168 yards, 2 TDs, 2 catches for 27 yards, 1 TD vs Arkansas State

Next Hogs Up: Projecting Arkansas' 2022 depth chart – running back

Good morning, Elijah! Thank you for joining us today. Congratulations on your outstanding performance against Arkansas State. You had an incredible statline of 21 carries for 168 yards, 2 touchdowns, and 2 catches for 27 yards, including a touchdown. How does it feel to be named the national offensive player of the week?

Thank you so much for having me, and I appreciate the kind words. It's truly an honor to be recognized as the national offensive player of the week. I couldn't have achieved this without the support of my teammates and coaches. It's a testament to their hard work as well.

You had an impressive game, showing your versatility as both a rusher and a receiver. Can you take us through one of your touchdown plays and how you were able to find success against the Arkansas State defense?

Absolutely. One of my touchdown plays came on a well-executed run play. Our offensive line created a fantastic hole for me to hit, and I was able to use my vision to find the opening. Once I hit the second level, I made a quick cut to avoid a defender and found my way into the end zone. The entire team did an excellent job blocking, and I credit them for creating the opportunity.

Your performance against Arkansas State showcased your ability to make plays in different ways. How do you balance your responsibilities as a runner and a receiver? And how do you think this versatility adds value to your team's offense?

Balancing my responsibilities as a runner and a receiver is all about preparation and understanding my role within the offense. I work closely with my coaches to study the game plan and identify how I can contribute in different situations. Whether it's carrying the ball or catching passes, I focus on executing my assignments to the best of my ability. Being versatile allows me to provide different looks for the defense and keeps them guessing, which ultimately adds value to our offense.

Arkansas State is a formidable opponent. What was your mindset heading into the game, and how did your preparation contribute to your exceptional performance?

Heading into the game, I knew Arkansas State had a strong defense, so my mindset was to stay focused, work hard, and trust in the preparation we had done as a team. Throughout the week, we studied film, identified their defensive tendencies, and crafted a game plan that played to our strengths. Personally, I focused on my conditioning, ensuring I was physically ready to handle the workload. Mentally, I visualized success and stayed confident in my abilities. All of these factors combined helped me perform at a high level.

Winning the national offensive player of the week is undoubtedly a tremendous accomplishment. How do you plan to build on this success moving forward? And what are your goals for the rest of the season?

While winning the national offensive player of the week is an honor, my focus remains on the team and our goals for the season. This recognition motivates me to continue working hard, pushing myself in practice, and contributing to our team's success. As for the rest of the season, my goal is to consistently perform at a high level and help our team win games. Whether it's through my rushing or receiving abilities, I want to be a reliable playmaker for our offense and make a positive impact on the field.

Thank you once again for taking the time to speak with us, Elijah. We wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season and beyond!

Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate the support, and I'll do my best to make my team and university proud. Go Razorbacks!

Week 0 DPOTW

SS Jalyn Jones, NW, 11 Tackles, 2 INT vs #7 Central Michigan

Cameron Mitchell - 2022 - Football - Northwestern University Athletics

Hello, Jalyn! Congratulations on being named the national defensive player of the week. Your performance against the highly-ranked Central Michigan was exceptional, with 11 tackles and 2 interceptions. How does it feel to receive such a prestigious accolade?

Thank you so much! It's truly an honor to be recognized as the national defensive player of the week. I couldn't have achieved this without the support of my teammates and coaches. It's a testament to our collective hard work and preparation.

Your statline against Central Michigan is impressive, particularly the two interceptions. Can you walk us through one of those interceptions and explain how you were able to make such impactful plays against their offense?

Absolutely. One of the interceptions came during a crucial moment in the game. As a safety, I was reading the quarterback's eyes and anticipating his throw. I saw him target the slot receiver on a quick slant route, and I quickly reacted, jumping the passing lane. I was able to get in front of the receiver, secure the catch, and return it for a significant gain. It was a combination of film study, instincts, and being in the right position at the right time that allowed me to make those impactful plays.

Central Michigan was ranked number seven in the country, making your performance even more remarkable. How did you and the defense prepare for such a challenging opponent? And what was the key to your success against their high-powered offense?

Preparation was key for our defense. We knew Central Michigan had a potent offense, so we studied their tendencies, formations, and individual players extensively. Our coaching staff provided us with a game plan tailored to counter their strengths. We focused on communication, ensuring that everyone on the defense was on the same page. As for my personal success, it was a result of a collective effort. The defensive line generated pressure, which disrupted their passing game, and my fellow defensive backs and linebackers provided excellent coverage support. It was truly a team effort that led to our success against their offense.

Winning the national defensive player of the week award is a significant accomplishment. How do you plan to build on this recognition and continue to excel in your role as a safety for Northwestern? And what are your goals for the remainder of the season?

Winning this award is definitely a great honor, but my focus remains on the team's success and our goals for the season. I plan to continue working hard, staying disciplined in my preparation, and improving my skills as a safety. I want to be a leader on and off the field, helping my teammates perform at their best. My goals for the remainder of the season are to contribute to our team's victories, make impactful plays on defense, and ultimately help Northwestern achieve our collective goals.

Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Jalyn. We congratulate you once again on your exceptional performance and wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season!

Thank you for having me. I appreciate the support, and I'll continue giving my all for my team and Northwestern University. Go Wildcats!


This article was written with the help of ChatGPT

Edited by SageBow
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