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Recruiting Big Board


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If you're familiar with oldsim and the Draft Book I made there, you'll be somewhat familiar with this tool. Make a copy for your own use:




For those unfamiliar: I exported the master list from the interface, put them all on the Big Board tab (since they're already ranked I didn't need to sort them), and made breakout tabs to separate croots by position. I'm aware you can do this on the interface already, but this will give you flexibility in planning your strategy/marking croots however you wish.

  • One VERY important note: Do NOT do any sorting/moving of data anywhere except on the Big Board tab, otherwise you will cause errors.

As time permits, I will try to add more functionality (Highlighting croots with affinities that match yours or that already signed). I also welcome any suggestions you may have (keep in mind I am not an expert spreadsheet jockey, I just tinker with them - a lot).

However, I currently plan on only placing the links to the sheets with updated functionality in the Subscriber Chat section of Discord (you know what that means). The exception is if there's a bug in this version - that will get public release.


Questions, comments, suggestions, put them below.

Update Log:

  • v1.01 (2/18/23): Fixed attribute bugs
  • v1.02 (3/12/23): Custom croots added
  • v1.1 (3/13/23): Added ability to choose schools and display their affinities, as well as highlight Big Board croots that match [Site Subscribers]


Edited by Jieret
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  • 4 weeks later...

Croot Big Board v1.1


  • You can now choose your school at the top of the Big Board tab, and it will pull up the school's Close to Home states and any other affinities. All croots with matching affinities will now be highlighted on the Big Board in green. Except:
  • Yellow-orange highlights are Close to Home matches for states with regions (CA, FL, TX). The spreadsheet currently does not have a way to tell what region a recruit belongs to, so the different color (and the IMPORTANT NOTE cell) should remind you to check the interface and verify.
  • Highlighting does not carry over to the individual player tabs. This may be a future update, but it's going to weigh the spreadsheet down quite a bit.
  • Some schools will show a Close to Home state twice. This is intentional, nothing to worry about.

The link has been posted in the Discord's Subscriber Chat channel.

Questions and/or comments below please.




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