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#1 Baylor and #3 Tennesseee face off this Saturday for the National Championship Game

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Week 12 Arizona Post Game Press Conference and Coaching Change


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Good Evening,

I want to start tonight by saying how excited and honored I am to be named as the new coach here. I know how amazing the fan base can be and I am excited to keep that crowd cheering for years. My professional resume is fairly light so far but I am a multi year NCAA champion in NCAA 14 so I feel confident that I can translate those skills from the screen to the big field.


Onto the game tonight, I was happy to get my feet wet. Took a little bit of time to get warmed up but once the guys got rolling it was a lot of fun to see the hard work from the week pay off. We will be taking the bye to really self scout before the season ends at home against state. I'm really looking forward to a chance to keep the energy flowing and reach out for a potential bowl game.


At this time I will open the floor to any questions.


And in the wise words of Troy Bolton "Go WildCats"

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I thought QB Mike Jones and the WR group were impressive in moving the ball down field. I will be sitting with Mike this week to talk about the decision making on the 2 INTs but if we can clean that up I see a great future in this league and beyond for the kid.
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Coach it is late in the season so many people are looking ahead to next year can you give a brief run down of your team and which players you are most excited to give a chance to next year
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