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[2022] Recruiting Feedback

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there is some merit here, but dont see doubling the total points as a solution. Maybe deciding if this is a game or a real life simulation would help guide this choice.

- Each team has number of scholarships equal to their number of departing players.

- Each scholarship is equal 3 points per week.


This would allow for teams to have a varying degree of "budget" each season based on the number of scholarships available. One year a team may have 25 players leaving and the next year only 8. It will impact strategy and would force depth building and long-term recruiting strategies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to agree that RES as it is today feels too aggressive especially because there are still kinks in the sim that are being resolved. Seems like loses as a result can overly impact recruiting via RES.


I also strongly feel the benefit of consistently putting points on a croot should be returned. IRL this is a very big thing. Schools that continue contacts for long periods of time almost always have a big advantage to those that just randomly do a full court press for a couple weeks..


For example 4* QB Austin Novosad was first contacted by Baylor and they continued on him. Later in the cycle bigger schools like ND, TAMU and some others put on the full court press but he said he went Baylor because of their consistent and early approach. Despite his parents both having gone to TAMU. The long relationship was too much to overcome.


This year seemed like there's was so many instances of that happening and some with no warning. School A would be putting (albeit not large) points on a guy and School B not even on the radar. Then B jumps in and signs him out of nowhere.

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Yeah, even a point/week for 10 weeks feels like it would hold more weight than a 20 point bomb.


Just to discuss the flip side, there are players committed this late in the game that de-commit as a result of “bigger” offers coming in. For example, DB Tyler Scott was committed to Arkansas State. Has since de-committed after offers from Bama, USC, Tennessee among others. I don’t know if I’m advocating for flipping commits necessarily. But the coin flip aspect almost feels like an answer for better or worse.


Maybe we can add “boosts” like OV/UV/Game visits or something? And you have to have communicated with player for some period of time to earn each?

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  • 4 weeks later...
This is more of an interface request, but is it feasible to put the info pop-up button on the recruiting overview page? As it stands right now it's only available on the team recruiting page. If I wanted to see how a croot battle broke down (i.e. 56% team X, 44% team Y), I can't do that if they weren't added to my page beforehand as it's impossible to add a signed croot to the team page.
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For example 4* QB Austin Novosad was first contacted by Baylor and they continued on him. Later in the cycle bigger schools like ND, TAMU and some others put on the full court press but he said he went Baylor because of their consistent and early approach. Despite his parents both having gone to TAMU. The long relationship was too much to overcome.


This example has aged like a fine wine and then got completely sour :SadParty:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is late but I’d been compiling a bunch of crooting ideas and have some pretty easy to implement ones that I think would be good additions


Easy to implement additions:


1) Scholarships add an additional 5 point bonus, but only for the first 25 applied (and then maybe 2 points for all scholarships applied thereafter). Adds a layer of strategizing which players are most important and a timing aspect for when to offer a scholarship without making it an outsized component of the process.


2) Different threshold sizes. 5-star players commit at 10-20% above the current thresholds, 4-stars at 5% above, 3-stars at current threshold, and 1 / 2s at 5-10% below. It should take more effort to recruit higher rated players and be a longer process (and also leads to a decision tree with real opportunity cost for going after stars)


3) Reduce the range of random decisions. Rather than being within 50% of the leader, make it to ⅔ or 3/4 the leaders points. If the leading school has 30 points on a player, another school should need at least 20 points to have a chance instead of 15 ( 75% of leader points is my favorite, but I also think 2 / 3 would be a good step for now)


4) Bonuses for consistent recruiting. There should be a tangible benefit to consistently recruiting a player instead of going all out for several weeks. I would posit that after every 5 consecutive weeks of spending base points on a player, they get a bonus equal to the smallest amount of points within those 5 weeks. (i.e. weeks 3-7 a school spends 6, 8, 4, 10, 5 on someone, after week 7 they get a bonus 4 points to that player and the 5-week counter resets). Example code below (modified from the post on new streak bonuses)


5) Conference footprint: Players from the state with a member of the conference in it get 5% bonus points (small but psychologically encourages regional recruiting)

Edited by tsweezy
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but any chance of having a drop-down box on your home screen recruiting page for positions. That way you could look at everyone on your board at a particular position at the same time.
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Maybe a "big city" affinity? I am obviously suggesting because it would benefit a school like mine. But based on irl situations I have seen firsthand, the draw of a big city with things to do (population size, pro sport teams, night life, NIL potential, etc.) for a young kid can be influential. Could be based on population of the city? Maybe too specific, just a thought.
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Successful Crooter Affinity


Top 10 (or other number, between 10-25?) finish in previous class earns affinity

If done consecutively, boosts affinity


So if a team earns it one season, drops out of range next, they lose it. But if they maintain in the range, they'd keep the affinity with an improved benefit.

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I am looking at adding these affinities on my next update after the test cycle is complete. If someone can work with me on putting together a list of schools located directly in large cities, and one that are directly college towns not adjacent to large cities, that would help.
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So...would this apply across the board, or only to croots with a matching affinity? The former seems way too powerful, and the latter is hard for me to visualize from the croot's perspective.


Either way I'm not really a fan of this idea, because it punishes newer players with an affinity they can't get for 2 years.

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I don't know how @TuscanSota plan's to implement it. But the intent of the suggestion was essentially rewarding for successful recruiting similar to Frontrunner for on field success. And the intent was for it to be across the board. IRL certain coaches are known for their ability to recruit, so this more or less mimics that. Even if it was just for random recruits, I guess that's fine. Recruits often enjoy the "process" of being recruited and getting scholarship offers from certain coaches are a badge of honor in themselves.


Again, I don't know how it will be implemented. But there's no reason a new coach couldn't earn this in their first full season. Our recruiting system allows for essentially a level playing field. So the only hinderance or obstacle to a new coach would be joining midseason and being behind.

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