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Adam Edwards situation

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Yesterday we got reports that someone hired a hit on Tulane kicker Adam Edwards. After a terrible game where he went (0-5) on FG attempts with 3 from 30 yards out and 2 from 40 Adam Edwards was shot at while walking to class. The first couple of shots were as accurate as Edwards so they missed him by a mile. Edwards was not hit but is in the hospital for stepping on a Lego brick while running away. When coach kgreene829 was asked about it he said "Our hearts go out to Edwards family" after someone informed him that Edwards is not dead he got mad for a couple of seconds and then smiled and said "We are hoping Edwards makes a full recovery and that the culprit be brought to justice." Kgreene829 then left the room to make a phone call and was heard yelling things like "How did you miss", "You had one job" and "I am not paying you". He came back and finished the press conference after explaining the phone call. "Coach what was that phone call?" "Oh you know just mad at my dry cleaner I mean uhm UPS they... uh missed my house on the delivery route. Yes that happened so I had to yell at them". A suspicious reporter asked coach what he ordered and kgreene829 responded "oh you know... coach stuff... yeah important... very important coach stuff that allows me to coach." While writing this article we got very important news that coach kgreene829 received his package and it did indeed contain coach stuff like a whistle, and a sniper riffle labeled Adam Edwards. When asked about it he clarified that it is for the criminal that tried to shoot Edwards and understands how we would make the mistake. He then walked away muttering to himself "one more chance, you get one more chance before I do it myself." Edited by kgreene829
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First of we are investigating this story and making sure we have all the facts. With that being said if you play well you have nothing to worry about, and I am a big believer in confidence. If a player thinks that he is bad enough that his bad play could warrant him losing his life I don't know if I want them on my team
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Everyone at Tulane has that dog in them so that's part of it the other part is as a G5 team just having good play is not enough to gain the worlds attention. While we do not support these actions now all eyes are on Tulane. Just something to think about. We can get so much media attention if Edwards was to be killed, it might be time.
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Hypothetically speaking if this was something that happened regularly would the players be against it. I mean what if you were to do this and go uhm I don't know 5-1 and 3-0 in conference play going into week 9. Just some random numbers but give it a thought
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