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I could see this potentially in terms of "situational personnel", like having a nickel defensive line that are full of your pass rush specialists.
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I do like this idea, but there are also user skill level things to consider. The gameplan is already somewhat complicated so if this is done, we would have to do it in such a way as to not make it too difficult for a user to gameplan.
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I like this, but as stated before, that would drastically increase the complexity of gameplanning. A big part of the balance here is making sure that we don't alienate users who are more "casual" football fans while also making the "nerds" who want to be able to control which RB they put in on 3rd and long situations happy.
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Just to address this one quickly: This is already partially implemented. The problem is there are several situations that need to be taken into account, and for now the only things the simulation checks for when determining whether to go into 2 minute mode, am I down, and is there less than like 2 or 3 minutes in the game?


There are likely some bugs in here that weren't caught during testing that could be the issue, but whether or not to go for it on 4th when down is something that would need to be implemented.

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I think this is worth looking into, but I think we should also remind ourselves of the intent of the initial design. Part of what we wanted was to have the ratings be fairly broad so you would have to do some scouting on your own players. These guys are out of high school and they probably still are physically growing, so there is some uncertainty there. This is why once a player is in the NFL and hits their snaps target, you get to know pretty much everything there is to know about a player. They are a full grown man and have matured to the point where you have a fairly known quantity.
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Allow gameplans/depth charts to eliminate fullback position. It's a position used less and less, especially in the college game. I know it'll probably be unpopular though to some.
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I would go one step farther, @Sarge, and say the ability to choose which players are in which positions for each formation (offensive and defensive)


This would allow a team with a very athletic TE to have him be the TE but also split him out as WR4 (for example) when the team goes to a formation without a TE. And many other machinations.


Defensively, this would allow the coach to dictate who in on the field for nickel and dime situations, maybe putting a good pass rushing OLB at DE, bringing in a better pass rushing DT for nickel and dime as opposed to base, or going to a faster LB at the MLB spot for pass situations. Or play a run stopping SS in their base defense, but sub him out for a better pass defender in nickel and dime.

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I do think this would be something that is possible/desirable, but it would probably have to be a down-the-line feature. In part because it would be a decent-sized lift to accomplish, but also because we need to be able to balance complexity for the advanced users and simplicity for the more casual users. Perhaps we have options to turn these sorts of features on or off depending on user preference? Maybe we simply establish defaults that users can choose to override? I am not sure, but regardless it would probably have to be farther in the future.
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I think the easiest way to achieve that is to create sub-packages in the depth chart section of the interface.
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I would also like to see the redshirt progression more closely aligned with the "role player" progression path instead of bench player.


It feels that the recruiting classes have mostly produced players that are not anywhere near ready to play. Without any real avenue to more quickly improve rosters, it would be nice if redshirts could provide a boost. This would give bad teams a way to improve more quickly until there are jucos who can provide that quick boost or transfers.


I would also maybe like to see some like 3* recruits that are like a little higher overall, but have very limited potential. Some lower tier schools would benefit from a guy who could play right away, albeit not at a super high level, but won't grow into much more than they already are. This simulates guys who might have good football skills irl, but lack the physical skills to improve that much.

Edited by smackemz
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Waivers system for those players in their 1st-4th seasons would be nice, especially at roster cutdown time.


compensatory draft selections based on FA signings. Easy enough to calculate based on contracts given out

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Could do it like “short yardage back”, and you throw your power back/FB/gimmick fat boy in there for those short yardage and goal line scenarios, and “3rd down back” for a more speedy, or receiving oriented, back when you want to pick up longer chunks. could maybe make them optional positions that default to RB1 if not filled out
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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure how "popular" this suggestion would be, but I think 5-stars should generally be some of the last to sign rather than 1st. Would make it more realistic, although Im sure missing out on a 5-star would increase in level of salt after battling all year. But it would make more strategy for mid-tier croots, make them more valuable off the bat, etc.
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Some features on my mind in terms of recruiting for next season:

- A status that indicates how “ready” a recruit is before making a decision

- A school visit feature where a recruit can visit a school in a given week. A bonus points or multiplier can be applied on a week where that school is playing a home game. My thoughts on unlocking the visit ability for an individual recruit would be by placing 5-10 points for a given number of weeks (~4 or 5).


Recruiting points are considered “time points” for this season, so the idea would be while a school could only commit a certain amount of time for a player, the visit could be seen as a double down for a recruit to visit a school they’re considering.


This ability would allow schools to focus on a larger number of recruits in a given week, and could be seen as a counter-strategy to putting 20 points consistently on a recruit in order to get them to sign quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For game planning purposes it would be helpful to have in the PBP the offensive formation to include subset (PRO 3 wide, PRO 2 TE, PRO I form) and defensive formations to include subsets (3-4, 3-3, or Dime) added.


This would allow players at all levels to have a better understanding of how their inputs in the interface/spreadsheet effect outcomes in the game better, thus allowing for better game planning through more precise data.

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Might have been suggested already but somehow to tell QB pressures. Helpful for both offense and defense to know whether a qb is getting pressured or hit
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