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Would it be possible to get 2 spoiler buttons on the games? 1 for the score/stats and 1 for play by play? I think it would be fun to read the play by play without knowing the final result. When I try to do that I accidentally see the result about half the time.
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Also echo JUCO and Transfers. It would be nice to have sort of the reverse RedShirt button, where you can tag someone who you think should transfer away since you know you won't play them, and anyone over a certain overall (to weed out the garbage nobody will want) will enter the transfer pool.


If recruiting does eventually go towards season-results based, I would say implement it with extreme caution and ease into it as gently as possible so bad teams aren't immediately put at a huge disadvantage. Rich getting richer and it feeling impossible to build up a bad team is no fun, and with the way the current system is I think if good teams = more croot points and bad teams = less, it'll create a big divide in a hurry. I'm not sure what the solution is, just don't want there to be bad teams that nobody touches because they feel like they're in a such a constant spiral of bad season > bad crooting > bad season and so on that they aren't fun to coach.

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More offensive scheme variety with gameplans


Like West Coast, Triple Option, etc.

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Bonus for teams that do not change their scheme during bye week in order to simulate the extra week of prep heading into games.


If a team does change during bye no penalty.

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I know Python, Java, and C but am not an expert I would love to help if you need some it would make it easier for you guys and I would get some much needed practical experience with code
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Hey I was thinking maybe if a team gets a new coach they get a boost because that is something seen irl where bad programs get an exciting new coach and they sometimes are able to have a strong recruiting start that allows them to build the program up. Just a thought.
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I was thinking that the ability to change your personnel so if you have a OG that is really good at pass block but sucks at run block and another OG who is really good at run block but sucks at pass block you can play one on the run plays and another on the pass plays.
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It would be cool to be able to break out which player is running which type of run.


If I have equally talented power and agile backs I'd like to utilize both and make sure they run to their strengths. Same if I have an agile quarterback and a power running back.

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I would personally like to see a kick field goal preference or better control over 4th down situations when it comes to game conditions. For example my team shouldn't go for it on fourth down if we are up
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Not to that extent but you see certain rotations for similar things mostly on defense but I was using this as an example because it is a very cut and dry way to explain what I was asking for
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Would like to see a down and distance added to offensive and defensive playcalling in the future. Have the distance be user adjusted and give the coach the ability to dictate (by percentage or something) which offensive or defensive formation to use.
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Weather (percip, wind, and temps) that can affect the game in some way.


Wind could make kicking, punting, passing, harder. Rain could make fumbles a bit more likely. Temperatures could affect catching ability. Good weather could buff passing a bit?

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Not sure the best way to do it, but I hate bye weeks so i scheduled them all to be early, and then an early loss really punches you hard in RES. I guess the easy fix is “win your games, scrub” but when you’ve played 2 games to someone’s 5, it seems unbalanced to take such a massive RES hit for one close loss, while other teams aren’t feeling it quite as dramatically over the same time frame. I suppose over time you could eventually “balance out” as those other teams will have an open date here and there through the schedule, but I’m thinking about the disadvantage of other teams with the same amount of losses having earlier higher RES and their points counting for more, thus making their recruiting leads larger at the start, then intimidating new users who look at an individual and see that they’re “unlikely” to land a croot because of it. Could maybe try to factor in “quality of W and L” into RES.
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I think the biggest thing I'd like to see better end of game logic.


In the WVU/Kansas game. WVU got the ball with 2:46 left in the game and down 4 points. WVU drives down and just lets the clock run out. I lost a game last year where instead of kicking a short FG to win they just let the clock run out and lost by 2.

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not sure how hard to implement the logic would be, but could make it so "if down 3 or less with less than 0:45 and in Maximum FG range, attempt FG"
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Something along the lines of 'Two Minute Warning' behaviors should likely go into effect if this is looked at. Something where both teams' gameplans are updated to an set of rules used for endings of both halves.
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Talking with @subsequent in discord we talked in detail about the granularity of overall ratings for positions where there are a lot of players (think WR, CB, RB). Right now a lot of players in those positions fall into that "B" overall category, which makes it not super obvious to tell the skill level of those players.


Ideally we could find a way to make the rating ranges a little more granular so it was easier to tell good players vs average and not so good players at positions where there are a lot of players. The number of players kind of skews the average at the moment making a lot of "B" overall (above average) WRs who actually aren't very good.

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Fix punting statistics, and to also include net punting.


A punt that results in a touchback should not credit the punter with the full distance of the kick but truncate it at the goal line.

ex. Punting from the 42-yard line, the punt can be no longer than 42 yards. Currently, we are getting 49 when the punt stops 7 yards deep for a touchback. This gives punters unrealistic kick averages and does not allow us to see who the skilled punters really are.

Additionally, the above example should result in a 42-yard punt and a 22-yard net. I'd like to see net punting average added to statistics.

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