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2022 NFL Draft


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Hello Owners, GMs, and Coaches,


The day is nearly upon us, the NFL Draft! Here is what you will need to know:

  • WHERE:
    • We will be running the draft through the following website: Drafty
      • Please make an account here ahead of time.
      • This should help facilitate trades and allow for a (somewhat) smooth draft day.

      [*]There will also be a livestream of the draft. We will get you the link ASAP.


    • Day 1: Saturday, April 23rd at 4pm ET
      • Rounds 1-3
      • Round 1: 5 minutes per pick
      • Rounds 2-3: 3 minutes per pick
      • Total time (not including any stoppages) should be about 6 hours.

      [*]Day 2: Sunday, April 24th at 4pm ET

      • Rounds 4-8
      • All picks will be 2 minutes per pick
      • Total time (not including any stoppages) should be about 6 hours.


    • To do trades while draft is in progress:
      • Step 1: Both sides agree to terms
      • Step 2: Both sides PM me on discord (Rocketcan#0724) that they have agreed to a trade.
        • If one of the picks being traded is the one currently on the clock, please include that in your notification that a trade has been made. Also, please do this quickly so as to not have any issues with the trade

        [*]Step 3: Once you have informed me of a trade so that I can pause the draft, send me the full terms of the trade. Include everything that is traded (players, picks), conditions, etc.

        [*]Step 4: Post the trade in this thread using all of the rules there as well: 2022 NFL Trade Thread

        [*]For a trade to go through during the draft, both sides must PM me on discord BEFORE any of the picks being traded run out of time.

        [*]Trades will be considered final once PMs to me are sent. Any issues with trades after that point (i.e. you do not own those picks, you have already traded a pick you are attempting to trade again, etc.) will result in penalties to the team in question.

        [*]Check out this sheet for the current draft pick ownership chart: NFL Draft Pick Ownership Chart

        [*]TO CLARIFY: If both parties do not send me a PM before the time runs out on a pick, the next team will be considered on the clock and the team who missed their pick will have to PM me who they are picking BEFORE they are picked in the draft.

      [*]To be on the draft broadcast:

      • Like the NBA draft, we will be broadcasting the NFL draft live. We will also have commentary and analysis from other owners, GMs and coaches from across the league.
      • If you would like to participate in the broadcast at all (we get that it will be VERY difficult to be there for all 12 hours), just give me a PM on discord.
      • I encourage anyone that wants to participate to give us a ring. Don't be shy!

      [*]To draft if I can't make it:

      • If you know you won't be able to make the draft at part or at all, please PM me the following:
        • A list of players you are targeting specifically, in preference order (Top is most important, bottom is least).
        • A list of positions you consider to be "positions of need", including any archetype preferences (Man Corner, Red Zone WR, etc.) in order of preference (Top is most important, bottom is least).
        • Any other rules that should be followed like:
          • Do not draft player X before X round
          • If player X is still available in round X, take player X.
          • etc.

        [*]Please get these to me ABSOLUTELY NO LATER THAN 11:59pm ET Friday night. This is so I have time to look at your teams before I have to make picks for them. I WILL *NOT* accept any lists after this time. If you need help beforehand, please let me know.


If you have any questions, please ask them below!


Please only use this thread only for questions pertaining to the draft, and not hype, etc. Keep hype in the chatbox, discord and any media to make sure I don't miss questions.

Edited by Rocketcan
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