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Everything posted by alexfall862

  1. Kicks off at 7et! Draft Stream:
  2. I think we can all agree that the appropriate solution here is to put Missouri on probation.
  3. Hi everyone! Here's the Week 4 Recruiting Roundup! Top 25 Classes No Commits Yet Highest Ranked Average Recruit No Commits Yet Top Players Left #1 ILB Kaleb Cavanaugh #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #3 FS Brad Crow #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #6 CB Malcolm Williams #7 CB Jerel Campos #8 P Francisco Escalona #9 WR Patrick Hernandez #10 CB Reese Colon #11 OLB Henry Gomes #12 ILB Kevin Robles #13 WR Harlan Smith #14 QB Tavarres Washington #15 WR Ro'Derrick Billings #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #17 QB Brandon Savage #18 ILB Mikal Cingrani #19 OT Darius Mauer #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #21 QB Sheldon Yanda #22 OLB Seantrel Garate #23 OT Bryn Bushrod #24 DE Jacob Myers #25 TE Darrius Davis Most Pursued Players #5 ILB Kevin Cole #2897 RB Franklin Riggins #4 CB Jermey Cabral #17 QB Brandon Savage #57 OT Andy Texeira #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #2898 DE Weston Steelhammer #319 TE Julio Hearn #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #329 OG Robert Tartt #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #38 OT Alex Dunn #7 CB Jerel Campos #284 DE Kris Pouncey #40 SS Cheslor Dickerson #36 RB Trey Garcia #2894 CB Donald Dingus #32 FS Scott Darby #184 QB Cooper Williams #14 QB Tavarres Washington #157 CB Niles Seamster #24 DE Jacob Myers #41 DT Aaron Smith #2895 WR Tyler Prochnow #358 WR Sam Jones Recruiting Spotlight Shoutout to @tsweezy for Croot insights - Take 2 - https://www.simfba.com/index.php?threads/croot-insights-take-2.2559/ Notice! Here's this week's notices. Frank Solich Memorial Wall of No Recruiting Activity @imerman (2x weeks in a row!) @iliveinadreamatorium (2x weeks in a row!) @jordanozenne @Garappogoat @Rome Dana Holgerson Half-Assed Recruiting Activity (points left over) Larry Coker 'Loss of Institutional Control' List of Points Overages
  4. Hi everyone! Here's the Week 3 Recruiting Roundup! Top 25 Classes No Commits Yet Highest Ranked Average Recruit No Commits Yet Top Players Left #1 ILB Kaleb Cavanaugh #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #3 FS Brad Crow #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #6 CB Malcolm Williams #7 CB Jerel Campos #8 P Francisco Escalona #9 WR Patrick Hernandez #10 CB Reese Colon #11 OLB Henry Gomes #12 ILB Kevin Robles #13 WR Harlan Smith #14 QB Tavarres Washington #15 WR Ro'Derrick Billings #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #17 QB Brandon Savage #18 ILB Mikal Cingrani #19 OT Darius Mauer #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #21 QB Sheldon Yanda #22 OLB Seantrel Garate #23 OT Bryn Bushrod #24 DE Jacob Myers #25 TE Darrius Davis Most Pursued Players #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #2897 RB Franklin Riggins #57 OT Andy Texeira #17 QB Brandon Savage #319 TE Julio Hearn #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #2898 DE Weston Steelhammer #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #38 OT Alex Dunn #284 DE Kris Pouncey #329 OG Robert Tartt #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #7 CB Jerel Campos #36 RB Trey Garcia #2894 CB Donald Dingus #184 QB Cooper Williams #14 QB Tavarres Washington #40 SS Cheslor Dickerson #24 DE Jacob Myers #41 DT Aaron Smith #2895 WR Tyler Prochnow #245 WR Keury Johnston #356 K Juan Bembry #3 FS Brad Crow Recruiting Spotlight Shoutout to @caesari for croot tweets, Week 3! simfba.com/index.php?threads/recruiting-twitter-roundup-week-3.2547/ Notice! Here's this week's notices. Frank Solich Memorial Wall of No Recruiting Activity @imerman @Osu (2x weeks in a row!) @iliveinadreamatorium Dana Holgerson Half-Assed Recruiting Activity (points left over) @Kremit Larry Coker 'Loss of Institutional Control' List of Points Overages
  5. Hi everyone! Here's the Week 2 Recruiting Roundup! Top 25 Classes No Commits Yet Highest Ranked Average Recruit No Commits Yet Top Players Left #1 ILB Kaleb Cavanaugh #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #3 FS Brad Crow #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #6 CB Malcolm Williams #7 CB Jerel Campos #8 P Francisco Escalona #9 WR Patrick Hernandez #10 CB Reese Colon #11 OLB Henry Gomes #12 ILB Kevin Robles #13 WR Harlan Smith #14 QB Tavarres Washington #15 WR Ro'Derrick Billings #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #17 QB Brandon Savage #18 ILB Mikal Cingrani #19 OT Darius Mauer #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #21 QB Sheldon Yanda #22 OLB Seantrel Garate #23 OT Bryn Bushrod #24 DE Jacob Myers #25 TE Darrius Davis Most Pursued Players #57 OT Andy Texeira #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #2897 RB Franklin Riggins #319 TE Julio Hearn #17 QB Brandon Savage #284 DE Kris Pouncey #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #2898 DE Weston Steelhammer #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #7 CB Jerel Campos #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #38 OT Alex Dunn #329 OG Robert Tartt #40 SS Cheslor Dickerson #356 K Juan Bembry #2894 CB Donald Dingus #184 QB Cooper Williams #2895 WR Tyler Prochnow #24 DE Jacob Myers #259 DT Mark Gonzalez #22 OLB Seantrel Garate #3 FS Brad Crow #10 CB Reese Colon #36 RB Trey Garcia Recruiting Spotlight Shoutout to @caesari for croot tweets, Week 1! https://www.simfba.com/index.php?threads/recruiting-twitter-roundup-week-1.2435/ Notice! Here's this week's notices. Frank Solich Memorial Wall of No Recruiting Activity @jordanozenne @Garappogoat @Osu Dana Holgerson Half-Assed Recruiting Activity (points left over) Larry Coker 'Loss of Institutional Control' List of Points Overages
  6. I think it was a double submission.
  7. Hi everyone! A little late, but here's the inaugural Week 1 Recruiting Roundup! Top 25 Classes No Commits Yet Highest Ranked Average Recruit No Commits Yet Top Players Left #1 ILB Kaleb Cavanaugh #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #3 FS Brad Crow #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #6 CB Malcolm Williams #7 CB Jerel Campos #8 P Francisco Escalona #9 WR Patrick Hernandez #10 CB Reese Colon #11 OLB Henry Gomes #12 ILB Kevin Robles #13 WR Harlan Smith #14 QB Tavarres Washington #15 WR Ro'Derrick Billings #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #17 QB Brandon Savage #18 ILB Mikal Cingrani #19 OT Darius Mauer #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #21 QB Sheldon Yanda #22 OLB Seantrel Garate #23 OT Bryn Bushrod #24 DE Jacob Myers #25 TE Darrius Davis Most Pursued Players #57 OT Andy Texeira #319 TE Julio Hearn #17 QB Brandon Savage #2897 RB Franklin Riggins #20 OLB Laurent Scruggs #329 OG Robert Tartt #284 DE Kris Pouncey #4 CB Jermey Cabral #5 ILB Kevin Cole #10 CB Reese Colon #7 CB Jerel Campos #2 DE Jarvis Mauro #356 K Juan Bembry #2894 CB Donald Dingus #16 OLB Hisashi Rudock #22 OLB Seantrel Garate #2898 DE Weston Steelhammer #2895 WR Tyler Prochnow #49 OLB Darius Laguda #41 DT Aaron Smith #250 OT Matt Washington #358 WR Sam Jones #929 OG Daurice Billings #2893 P David Ross #2896 TE Steel Blue Recruiting Spotlight Shoutout to @TuscanSota for the Stars of the West, Week 1! https://www.simfba.com/index.php?threads/stars-of-the-west-week-1-players-in-the-backfield.2418/ Notice! Here's this week's notices. Frank Solich Memorial Wall of No Recruiting Activity @jordanozenne @Harrison Dana Holgerson Half-Assed Recruiting Activity (points left over) @Weeze @rvjruk Larry Coker 'Loss of Institutional Control' List of Points Overages [uSER=154]@MasonAsher[/uSER] (-1)
  8. Hi everyone! Here's where we'll post a weekly recruiting roundup. For now since we're currently in Week 1, there's nothing to share, but I'll introduce the categories - which includes opportunities for all of you to contribute! Test run coaches will recognize most of the categories from the test run. - alexfall862 Top 25 Classes This is where the top 25 classes (based off a bootleg Rivals.com player rating) will be listed. Current record holder for highest ranked recruiting class is Tennessee from the test season with a class just north of 4000 points. Highest Ranked Average Recruit Unlike the Top 25, this ranking will be an average instead of cumulative, so you'll get a better idea of who has the best class, not the earliest commits. As weeks go forward, these two rankings will converge. Top Players Left This will be a top 25 list of the best uncommitted recruits. Most Pursued Players This will be a ranking of the recruits with the most points spent on them so far in the cycle. This corresponds roughly to real-life scuttlebutt about "bunch of scouts were at the game to see x" or "Saw Jim Tressel at HyVee" kind of news. It should give a general sense of the players that coaches are making priorities. They may or may not be the highest ranked recruits... Recruiting Spotlight This is a spot where I'll highlight some good recruiting media if coaches create it! Notice! Here's where we'll leave notices for users who have overage or are missing completely from the week. For now, we'll use it for form confirmation. If your username is listed below, you've completed the recruiting form and either have received or will receive your recruiting sheet soon. If not, you need to fill out this: https://www.simfba.com/index.php?threads/recruiting-tutorial.2353/ Has Filled out Form: @SyndaKyt @Bingo415 @DarthJarJar @Jieret @anonemuss @Vivid @PoopyRhinoPickle @caesari @subsequent @rabidsnowman @kwheele @cmcgill @Dacder @acewulf @Minnow @Rocketcan @Swipet @Ewade @Tazer @blueblud3 @joopear @VerifiedThing @Sarge @Pumph @TuscanSota @Nittany Boiler @Kirby @SageBow @thatfunk @ChizDippler @brightfalls @rcarlson77 @tsweezy @Jmjacobs @LumpyGoat @Harrison @smackemz @stormstopper @mahrowkeen [uSER=49]@J'aimebo[/uSER] [uSER=154]@MasonAsher[/uSER] @Garappogoat @Bundy @Wahoo @Ricky Campbell @DramaticBacon @Jamzz @npklemm @lucas @jared2001usa @Migi @GK23
  9. Yet you have hotdish, but no colddish. Curious...
  10. We'll probably have a master list of recruits separate from everything else, so it doesn't crash stuff - but it's coming. Column widened! Week-by-week I'm going to ask that you track yourself. It's 5 weeks of 'did I spend any points at all?' which is a much easier question for a coach to answer than for the query to run even if it's a bother. It really lightens the load on the backend to not run that one.
  11. Stay tuned on new affinities... probably not this season though.
  12. Hello Coaches! A Dev Diary I'm sure you're all interested in! It's time to talk 'croots! General overview of recruiting can be found here: https://www.simfba.com/index.php?threads/recruiting-tutorial.2353/ Nuts and Bolts Recruiting will be a weekly activity, with actions taking place whenever you'd like during the week, but progressions occurring Tuesday nights for a Wednesday to Wednesday recruiting week. The recruiting season will last 20 weeks. The first week of recruiting will take place from the Wednesday prior to Week 1 to the Wednesday just prior to Week 2. This means that the recruiting season should wrap up Wednesday following the last bowl games. Recruiting is done by assigning recruiting 'points' out of your weekly recruiting budget to a player. When a player has collected enough points, they will pass a threshold and make a 'commitment decision' to eligible schools. In order to be an 'eligible school' when the commitment is assessed, you must have a standing scholarship offer to the player and be in their leading schools list. The purpose of this dev diary is to dive into the commitment decision and how the leading schools list in generated. Tutorial about the user-side of recruiting is here: Leading Schools The leading schools function lists the recruiting points leader and schools within striking distance of the leading school. This math is set at 50% of the leader's amount of points. Towards the time players will start making recruiting decisions, being listed here means that you are (roughly) within a week's point of becoming the points leader. When a commitment decision is calculated, the initial list of schools eligible to land the recruit are generated from the leading school, then any schools without a scholarship offer are removed. This means that you can be listed in leading schools and have 0% chance to land a player if you didn't offer them, but also means that you can offer a player and spend points on them and also have 0% chance to land them because you're not in their leading schools list. This is meant to be analogous to real-life recruits' Top X lists. Commitment Decision A player will make a decision to commit to a school when they have passed a certain threshold of total points. That threshold is not static throughout the year, it is changed by two inputs: the recruiting week and the total number of teams recruiting the player. The longer the year goes on, the lower the threshold required becomes, with Week 20 culminating in the every player left making a decision to essentially anyone who recruited them at all. The number of teams raises the amount of points needed proportionally - meaning that the amount of teams pursuing a player don't impact their 'rush' to commit, but in a lot of cases cause a lengthening of their recruiting process. What decides how quickly a player commits is the average point total per team. If a recruit has an average of 20 points per team per week recruiting them, they'll make a decision when we advance into Week 4. If a recruit has an average of 10 points per team per week recruiting them, they'll make a decision when we advance into Week 6. If a recruit has an average of 1 point per team per week recruiting them, they'll likely wait until advance into Week 19. Once the player passes the recruiting threshold, the teams that are eligible (on leading schools list + scholarship offer from school) have their point added up. The points become their odds of landing a player. For example, if School A has 40 points invested into a player, and School B has 60 points, then School A will have a 40% chance of landing the player, and School B will have a 60% chance of landing the player. If School A has 30 points invested into a player, School B has 35, and School C has 40 but didn't offer a scholarship, then School A has 30/65 odds, and School B will have 35/65 odds of landing that player. School C's points might have triggered the recruit's commitment decision, but since they didn't offer a scholarship, their odds of landing that player are 0%. The goal here is to allow for a more realistic experience when recruiting players, where min/maxing to edge out other schools by 1 point doesn't make a large difference in outcomes, but managing your targets and point spending still rewards coaches. Affinity Bonuses Aside from players directing points from their budget into recruits, the other way to gain points is to capture what are called 'affinity bonuses'. Some recruits have 'affinities' assigned to them. All but one affinity is static, meaning any school with that affinity is eligible to get the bonus for any recruiting with that affinity. The affinities that fall into that category are: - Academics - Climate - Service - Religion - Large Crowds - Small School - Frontrunner Right now, one of them is recruit/school context dependent, meaning that the school needs to match certain criteria instead of also holding that affinity. In the future,the list of context dependent affinities will likely grow, but for now that one affinity is 'close to home'. If the school is in a location in the specific recruit's home zone, AND they have the 'close to home' affinity, they will be eligible for the bonus. The bonus itself is an additional 25 points for the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th consecutive weeks you invest at least 1 point in a player. These affinity bonuses are only given to schools that are 'actively recruiting' that player. What that means is that to get the 5th week affinity bonus, you need to invest a minimum of 1 point in (for example) weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You could also get the 5th week bonus using weeks 6-10 or 12-16. The 10th week 25 point bonus requires at least 1 point in (for example) weeks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Weeks 15 and 20 bonuses follow the same pattern. I hope this gives an in-depth review of the recruiting system's machinery. As we go from one test-run to a full sim, I'm sure there will be edits to processes, and we'll keep folks in the loop as changes are made. - alexfall862
  13. Walkthough in Video Form: (one change since recording is that threshold for leading school is 50% not 75%) Dev Diary deep dive on recruiting mechanics: https://www.simfba.com/index.php?threads/41-recruiting.2354/ In order to receive your recruiting sheet you must watch/read the tutorial, and fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/MkhZ83xFUonU37uA7 Ping me on discord if there are any issues. - alexfall862 Intro Recruiting will be a weekly activity, with actions taking place whenever you'd like during the week, but progressions occurring Tuesday nights for a Wednesday to Wednesday recruiting week. The recruiting season will last 20 weeks. The first week of recruiting will take place from the Wednesday prior to Week 1 to the Wednesday just prior to Week 2. This means that the recruiting season should wrap up Wednesday following the last bowl games. Recruiting is done by assigning recruiting 'points' out of your weekly recruiting budget to a player. When a player has collected enough points, they will pass a threshold and make a 'commitment decision' to eligible schools. In order to be an 'eligible school' when the commitment is assessed, you must have a standing scholarship offer to the player and be in their leading schools list. Totals You can recruit a total of 25 players, and you can offer a total of 40 players. Any players that decide to commit to your school beyond the first 25 are culled by class ranking. It is possible to have more than 25 players commit following Week 20 as you might the last week with 15 recruits, but 20 standing offers. If more than 10 commit, they'll be removed by ranking starting with the worst recruits first. Accessing Recruiting Form To take recruiting actions (assigning points and ), you will need access to a team specific google sheets link, to get that sheet, follow the instructions above and fill out this form after watching/reading the rest of this post: https://forms.gle/MkhZ83xFUonU37uA7 You and the recruiting admin (me) and the only two people with access to your form. If you see anyone else accessing your form, that's something you need to let admins know about. Form Overview The recruiting form has 3 tabs. 2 are completely uneditable (Master Sheet, User Info) and exist for informational purposes. The 3rd, Our Recruits, allows you to interact by entering playerIDs to make and coordinate recruiting actions. Master Sheet This is where all the recruits in the sim are are listed. It also shows your school's affinity bonus eligibility. You can filter this list for easier searching through Data -> Filter View in the google sheet options. What is also displayed here and in the Our Recruits tab is the 'Leading Schools' column. This column shows which schools are currently in contention for a recruit. Once a player commits, their row in the master sheet has conditional formatting that marks their row as red, for a visual cue that you may not want to recruit them. Most useful in this form is the ability to find players, and their playerIDs (column G). Our Recruits This is the tab where you can recruit players and offer scholarships. Many users in the testing phase also used the ability to add players themselves to keep track of their committed players in this tab. You add players by typing their playerID into the blue column (column A) and the rest should auto-populate. Once it's populated, you'll have access to a hyperlink that takes you to a google form for spending weekly points on a recruit (column B) or offering/revoking a scholarship (column C). You can offer a player a scholarship whenever you'd like, it has no connections to point spending for the week, but you do have a cap of 40 current offers at a time. Once that cap is hit, you'll need to revoke offers to be able to send new ones out. Once you revoke a scholarship, you cannot successfully offer that player again. In addition to a repeat of the recruit info in the Master Sheet (including the leading schools and commitment status), there are also school dependent columns to tell you how many points you've spent on players that week and how many points you've spent on a recruit overall. User Info This tab is dedicated to team specific info. It will be different for each user. Here you can keep track of your points spending, offers, and the recruiting week. You can also reference this page for your static affinities. A Note on the Google Sheets Interface Since this is all living on Google Sheets, it will sometimes take a bit of load, the refreshing isn't instantaneous. When you load, check for the green loading bar in the top right of the sheet. If you are having trouble with the sheet, refresh once and if that doesn't cure it, just give it a little time. Load it up and make a cup of coffee. If it doesn't update within 15 minutes, it's worth pinging an admin (me) about it, but not before that. Problems with the page tend to show up when there's a lot of activity, so please do not expect that doing all of your recruiting Tuesday night is going to be a delay-free experience.
  14. Couple of broken MyMaps lat/long (Van, Texas is not in fact inside of San Diego), but here are the splits for CA/TX/FL.
  15. Long and Lat from all the cities in the recruit generator, then a semi-arbitrary line that roughly chops it equally and geographically.
  18. Wow, really? I'm not entirely sure our team knows it's not against the rules to score more than 1 touchdown a game.
  19. alexfall862 and Nebraska will be participating this season. Discord is @alexfall862#$6505
  20. FIRE LARRY SCOTT [uSER=1]@SUBSEQUENT[/uSER] But also, woo! Getting closer to kickoff!
  21. I'm super bummed I'm not in a position to help anymore, but this is just the coolest shit.
  22. Fun fact: I did the design for their charity website! Bunch of really awesome folks. Happy to see it still going, even if we haven't had the trophy for a while...
  23. @Minnow Only if the bits are broken off of your back!
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